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Libya, UN Security Council session: first briefing by interim envoy Stephanie Khouri

The United Nations Security Council held a special session to discuss the situation in Libya, during which Stephanie Khouri, the acting UN envoy, presented her first briefing on the challenges and opportunities facing the Libyan people in the current circumstances. Khouri addressed numerous crucial points of interest to both the international community and the Libyan people.

Alleviate the suffering of Libyans during Eid al-Adha
Khouri expressed hope that Libyans will find some relief from their suffering during Eid al-Adha, noting that this holiday follows the Derna catastrophe, which is a reminder of the difficulties faced by Libyans. You said you had listened to the concerns of Libyans from various political and geographical spheres, praising the determination and unity of the people despite the difficulties.

The importance of an agreement to respect the electoral results
Khouri underlined the need for a Libyan agreement to ensure compliance with the election results, highlighting the importance of including details and implementation mechanisms to ensure compliance. You underlined that the Libyan people need political stability and to renew the legitimacy of the institutions through free and transparent elections.

Obstacles to voter registration in eastern Libya
Khouri expressed concern that authorities in eastern Libya prevented ten out of twelve registration centers from opening for municipal elections, calling for the reopening of these centers. You stated that local elections are a fundamental step to guarantee responsible and legitimate services for Libyan institutions.

Progress on the withdrawal of mercenaries and foreign fighters
Khouri said progress on the withdrawal of mercenaries and foreign fighters is still stagnant, highlighting that the security situation in neighboring countries hampers the efforts of the “5+5” Committee. You highlighted the recent escalation of clashes and attacks in Tripoli, which reinforces the need to reform institutions and the security sector.

Violations and human rights
Khouri expressed concern about recurring violations and arbitrary seizures and arrests in Libya, citing cases such as that of member of parliament Ibrahim Al-Darsi and the death of activist Siraj Dagman. He stressed that investigations must be transparent and credible.

Economic crisis and need for a unified budget
Khouri discussed the difficult economic conditions in Libya, citing declining liquidity and the need for a unified national budget to be implemented in a transparent manner. He said all parties must reach an agreement to resolve their differences to achieve economic stability.

Popular consensus and international support
Khouri highlighted the Libyan popular consensus on the need to advance the political process, confirming the continued support of the UN mission to address Libya’s challenges. He praised the ongoing discussions with the “5 + 5” Committee as a positive signal ahead of the next security meeting.

The position of the United Kingdom
The UK representative to the Security Council has highlighted the importance of appointing a new representative of the UN Secretary-General in Libya, insisting on the need to support him to achieve progress. He cited UN expert reports describing the arms embargo on Libya as ineffective, stressing that military support provided by some countries to the conflicting parties undermines Libya’s sovereignty and prosperity.

Acting Envoy Stephanie Khouri’s briefing to the United Nations Security Council reflects the urgency of a comprehensive political solution in Libya that promotes stability and restores the legitimacy of its institutions. Although Libya faces complex security and economic challenges, hopes remain pinned on international and local efforts to achieve peace and stability in the country.

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